Queens, NY

J:Henna bi-weekly (started out with four weekly treatments that I've just completed)
Bentonite bi- weekly (haven't done since I've started henna but I loved the results once I got my mix right)
I co-wash every two to three days with Traders Jo's Nourish Spa, Aussie Moist or HH. Occasionally I'll use AOHSR
I use AOHSR as my leave in, then some KBB and seal with hair cream or mimosa hair honey then I let it dry occasionally using duck bill clips to keep my edges from riding off into the night
What have been your fave styles to acheive healthy hair?
J:I like big crazy hair so styling, particularly protective styling aren't my thing (yet) but I keep it moisturized, sleep with the prerequisite silk scarf and satin pillow cases and keep my co-washes down to three a week (most times).
What made you decide to become a curly girl?J:Initially I stopped relaxing in 1997 and did the bc (really big, like boy cut to the scalp big). I was tired of depending on a perm. My hair would react so badly when I put off a touch up. I became aware of how addictive relaxing is. Fast forward past me cutting loc's and having a fateful breakdown in August of '03 that lead to a relaxer that I was feeling for 1 day and then to now. I was tired of frying my hair everyday and just wanted to be. I knew it was time.
J:I just keep it moving and believe me I've had some bad ones. I just tell myself today I have a funky fro, through on some earrings and hit the streets.
What is the best advice you would give to someone who is thinking of transitioning?
J:Go forth fearlessly. There is so much in this world to tell you're that you're not enough just as you are and need to conform to the masses but do you and nothing says I'm doing me more than letting your hair grow that way it comes out of your scalp. No matter how many people share your hair type, no one will have hair like yours and that's powerful. Oh, and there will be bad days but this too shall pass.
Who are your "hair idols"?
J:Bree from ANTM, Tracie Ellis Ross, Curly Nikki and my momma because when she wears her hair curly, its game OVA!
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